Title #2 of Short Horror Story Anthology: Teaser for I See You

Wednesday, 17 April 2013
My intention was to release a title per week from my short story anthology, however I am planning to post a short horror story that I wrote, from a collection that I'm writing to use in my anthology, by the end of this week. It will be the only short story from that collection that I release- sort of a sneak preview of the types of stories you can expect from my book. In anticipation of that, I will release the title and a brief synopsis as a teaser for what is to come. My short story anthology comprises of stories of a different nature. They are stories with twists and turns and will hopefully leave the reader with a sense of anticipation.

I See You 
     23 year old Rix is in the best relationship of his life. His girlfriend Jasmine is the woman that he's always dreamed of having. His life is in order and and he feels happy- he has no complaints about his life. It is the day of the summer solstice, when the sun stays out longer than usual- but even on days like this darkness can come faster than imagined. For when the lights go out ... anything can happen. drip.. drip.. drip..

The Lady in Black Updates
     The character who's point of view I'm writing from works for a newspaper. He is a main character but he is not the only one. There are other characters that have as great a depth as he does. Everything around isn't what it seems anymore. He has to figure out what's going on and determine how it all connects to him.


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