Imperfect Man

Friday, 11 October 2013
      I am a burdened soul. I wish to thrive wholly free but I cannot, for there will always be someone in this world who wishes to enslave me with the tightest of chains. There will always be someone who believes that they are entitled to a part of me. Even in my most liberal moments I must realize that even my happiness is caused by something or someone else and in that I am never free. It seems that my existence is for them and not truly for me. So that begs the question … am I happy? If happiness is sitting in a small room, alone with a heavy heart, then yes I am happy … and if I’m truly this happy, then I’ll never be free.
     When I look into a mirror, the face that stares back at me scares me. It’s not the face of a man who has enjoyed the years pass by but the face of a man who has aged beyond his years and like an intricate drawing, the sadness is etched in his eyes. The tears stay locked away, for my mother once said, “A man does not cry.” In silence I weep, struggling to be a someone for everyone. ..And in trying to be that perfect son, perfect friend, perfect person … I’ve become this imperfect man.

     - Unknown


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